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Results for "keyword: "difficult people""
Maintaining Balance in Difficult Conversations Four tips to help you stay centered.
Forgiveness A guided meditation for forgiving those who have caused us pain.
Spiritual Practices for Shopping 20 ways to make shopping a richer and deeper experience.
Take a Winter Count A spiritual exercise to help you explore the moods and meanings of winter.
Discover the Indigenous Story of Your Neighborhood Encouragement to learn the indigenous story of your neighborhood and to honor and preserve Native American culture.
Remembering Crazy Horse (PDP) Honoring the Sioux warrior known to his people more for his charity than his skills on the battlefield.
The Crying Tree A teaching story about asking permission before taking only what you need.
Birthday of Starhawk (PDP) Honoring a visionary at the front lines of the global justice movement.
Practicing Spirituality in Winter A month's worth of practices to explore the many moods and meanings of winter, including its pristine beauty and its many opportunities for playfulness.